

The Rolwaling Mountaineering School

Enrollment Requirements

  • Prior experience
  • Age
  • Class size
  • Preparation
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The program has primarily been designed to accommodate beginning mountaineers with little or no experience. For our purposes we consider even seasoned rock climbers to be beginning mountaineers if they don't have experience ascending high peaks via ice and snow covered routes. We will provide instruction and practice in all necessary basic skills including the use of equipment. With this in mind however, please know that we are able to accommodate more experienced participants. This is possible due to our low student-to-instructor ratio and our ability to break up into smaller rope teams. The syllabus is flexible and can be tailored to fit the group's experience. Additionally, this flexibility allows us to progress from basic topics to more advanced ones as quickly or as slowly as the individual group members require to master the skills. We are therefore able to maintain a high level of challenge, excitement and instruction for all skill levels. If you have questions about your own experience and how you will fit into our program, feel free to contact us.


We are only allowing a maximum of twelve students to participate in the School. This is to facilitate personal and individualized instruction. Because of our limited enrollment, we recommend that you apply early.

Physical Fitness and Pre-trip Preparation:

Because we will be exerting ourselves at high altitudes for long periods of time, it is important to arrive in Nepal with a decent level of physical fitness. While there will be a short period during the hike in to the valley and while rafting to catch up, we recommend at least a few hours per week of aerobic and cardiovascular training. Weight and strength training is not nearly as important, but remember you will be carrying heavy loads for extended periods of time. Ideally, three days per week spent running, cycling, cross-country skiing and/or hiking for about an hour should prepare you. If you can spare more time add longer periods of exercise, and an additional day or two to your routine. Begin training early (at least several weeks) and keep it up to achieve maximum benefit. You will enjoy yourself much more if you arrive physically fit and are prepared for the demands of high altitude mountaineering ahead of time.


We accept participants 18 and older; exceptionally mature younger students will also be considered.

Gear List
Bridges to Rolwaling
Refrence Library
Enrolment Requirements
Mission Statement
Rolwaling Background